Tests for fat and examination of various foodstuffs for fat. Fats, together with starch and sugar, the carbohydrates, supply the energy necessary to maintain all the vital processes. They do this through the mechanism of respiration (=combustion) in the metabolism of our bodies. Moreover, number of fatty acids which are constituents of the fats themselves are essential fort eh preservation of bodily health. Finally, inasmuch as they are stored up in certain parts of the body they provide a protection against cold.
Experiment is part of a complete solution set with a total of 44 experiments for botany, reproduction, soil, food and digestion, senses, physiology.
With student worksheet, appropriate for all class levels.
With detailed instructor information.
Optimized for tight schedules, i.e. minimum preparation time required.
Biology solution set specifically designed to include all required accessories.
Learn possible tests for fat and examine various foodstuffs for fat.